
Okinawa Underground

¥2,200 税込




沖縄アンダーグラウンド 売春街を生きた者たち
講談社 単行本

Okinawa Underground

Maehara Shinmachi in Ginowan City, a town of prostitution called "Tokuyu Machi. This is a reportage of a town that was erased by the wave of the purification movement.

A town of prostitution called "Tokuyaku Machi. This is an unparalleled reportage that painstakingly captures the darkness of Okinawa's post-war history with a haunting light, and depicts the "other post-war history" of Okinawa by covering the town that was erased by the wave of the purification movement. In 2010, the prostitution district, which had been called "the shameful part of Okinawa," disappeared due to a concerted public-private "purification" campaign. The author has been in the town since before that time, conducting in-depth interviews with women engaged in prostitution, brothel owners, yakuza, and others, revealing the inner workings of the town and the structure of prejudice from civil society. The history of this town shows that it was also a response to the horrific assaults by U.S. soldiers that occurred frequently in Okinawa immediately after the end of the war. The postwar history of Okinawa under U.S. military occupation is depicted through the voices of those who lived in the prostitution district.



著:藤井 誠二 / Seiji Fujii
1965年、愛知県生まれ。ノンフィクションライター。愛知淑徳大学非常勤講師。教育問題、少年犯罪などの社会的背景に迫る。テレビコメンテーターやラジオ、インターネット放送でパーソナリティも務めている。著書に『人を殺してみたかった―愛知県豊川市主婦殺人事件』、『少年に奪われた人生―犯罪被害者遺族の闘い』、『コリアン・サッカーブルース』、『殺された側の論理 犯罪被害者遺族が望む「罰」と「権利」』、『黙秘の壁―名古屋・漫画喫茶女性従業員はなぜ死んだのか』、共著に『沖縄 大人の社会見学R18』『肉の王国―沖縄で愉しむ肉グルメ』(ともに仲村清司氏、普久原朝充氏との共著)、『死刑のある国ニッポン』(森達也氏との対談)など50冊以上。


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